Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Way We Do The Things We Do

I have done many, and I mean MANY, strange things in my life. I have different motives for doing all of them and at the time, the acts themselves seem justifiable. Like this one time. I was getting ready for class one day and decided to wear a blue cotton dress, sweater tights and heeled boots. The combination looked super cute in my tiny apartment mirror (that we had set on the ground, slightly tilted up to make anyone looking into it look 10 lbs fatter), but I had forgotten one thing. Cotton dresses stick to sweater tights. So there I was walking around campus with my dress glued to (and in between) my legs causing my outfit to look extremely unflattering. I went to the library and began to study when finally I couldn't take it anymore. I went to the bathroom and took of the tights. The only problem was I had a wadded up ball of sweater in my hand and nowhere to hide it. I wasn't about to walk out with it in my hand like it was no big deal. I usually don't get embarrassed, but I hate drawing attention to myself and someone was bound to notice. Clearly there was only one solution. I walked out of the bathroom and slipped back into my seat. About an hour and several table partners later I looked down, only to find one of the feet of my sweater tights draped over the side of my boot. Yep, thats the solution that I thought of and it obviously didn't even work. I laughed (drawing more attention to myself) as I pulled the rest of the tights out and stuffed them in the front pocket of my backpack. I thought of this story today when I was putting on yet another pair of sweater tights and another cotton dress. I'm happy to report I did not end up making the same mistake twice. I decided to share this story because I was thinking yesterday about how worried we can be what someone else thinks when chances are nobody would ever notice. I was willing to stuff tights in my boot so that I could walk twenty feet back to my seat because I didn't want someone to see that I had changed my hideously unflattering outfit. Why do we do the things we do? I think the only answer is the simple one. Because we just do. 

Tip #2- Never shoe shop in the morning because your feet haven't swelled to their normal amount yet. You might end up unknowingly buying the wrong size. 

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