Saturday, July 31, 2010


Or Book Face, as Jim Halpert calls it. Do watch The Office? Because you should. Jim was Book Face for Halloween this last season. He always has the best costumes.

Laci Halpert.

Can anyone beat that? I think not.

Anyways! Sometimes I go through phases where I am mildly addicted to this social networking site. Mostly, it's in the summers when I have nothing else to do and am living in a new place and have a grand total of two friends. So basically this summer is the only one that fits that description. Occasionally, I'm REALLY cool and decide to go offline so that nobody knows about my addiction- therefore making it a closet addiction.

I thought about copying and pasting everybody's statuses that are ridiculous and make me laugh, but then decided against it because I'd mostly be making fun of the person. And by some miracle, if they one day get uber bored and decide to read my blog (which won't happen, but you can never be too careful), I don't want them to be offended. Even though they should know better than to post things like "OMG. People need to grow up. I'm so sick of them acting like they're 5. Sorry honey, go back to high school. Nobody wants you here."

Lighten up peeps ;) It's just book face

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Couple things.

First, as you may have noticed, I decided to change the name of my blog. This isn't surprising, I am one of the most indecisive (wow, i've spent my whole life thinking it was spelled undecisive) people you will ever meet. 

The thing is, I love to dance. Does dancing love me? ya that would be a no. It's okay though, dances can't get restraining orders. 

Secondly, I want to cut my ovaries out right.this.second. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Things that have no purpose in life.

How much money have we given people for making STUPID, stupid things? A lot. That's how much. 

1. Who needs the camisoles with the built in bra thing? Nobody should be raising their hand right now. Everybody hates them. I would know too, since I work in a clothing store that sells them. 

2. The Jonas Brothers/ Miley Cyrus/ any other disney channel actor that thinks they can sing too. If I had kids, I would forbid them to listen to any of these talentless characters.... Just like my mom did with me and the Spice Girls. Only she banned them because they dressed slutty. Same/ difference as far as I'm concerned. 

3. Whose idea was it to put a razor sharp, metal opener thingy on the top of Morton salt containers?! Boo you whore (mean girls reference). 

That is what inspired this post. I now have a cut on the tip of my finger from opening up salt. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

HIGHlarious things on my road trip.

I made the trek from Spokane to Rexburg yesterday and let me tell ya! MOST AMAZING 8 HOURS I'VE EVER SPENT IN MY WHOLE LIFE. False. I love Dwight K. Shrute. 

Hilarious happening #1- Since my ipod wasn't charged I had to listen to the radio the entire time.  Apparently the only thing Montana/ Idaho listens to is country. Shocker. There was this one song in particular... Ticks- Brad Paisley. Can I just tell you how gross this song is? 

" I'd like to check you for ticks
You never know where one might be
There's a lot of places that are hard to reach
and I'd like to check you for ticks" 

Sick. Nasty. 

Hilarious happening #2- There just happened to be about a million, jillion and a half biker gangs on the highway yesterday. I don't know if you've noticed, but when bikers pass each other they give a little wave to their fellow biker. Like what? Is that man code or lame code? Either way, it's entertaining. Every SINGLE biker waving to every SINGLE fellow biker. I bet they feel supa cool when they do it too. 

Hilarious happening 3#- I passed many meth billboards on my way here. If they used their little sayings and just replace "meth" with "nuclear weapons", that ad campaign could probably bring world peace. Can you picture it? "I used to have a son.... now I have a terrorist...." haha the real billboard said "I used to have a daughter... now I have a prostitute". The point is they are scary. I am never using drugs. And if they made one for nuclear weapons, I probably wouldn't ever use those either. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I love it when I wake up in the morning and I don't feel like P. Diddy

Because i'd rather feel like Laci. 

19 reasons why this year was one of my favorites! (in no particular order, because that's way too hard)

19. I got a job last summer being a maid. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done but it taught me that I could do anything for 4 months. 

18. I started keeping a blog the last couple of months AND a journal. Yes, I am that cool. 

17. I dated... A LOT. 

16. Tyler Porter gave me one of the greatest examples I could ever ask for and went to serve the Lord for two years. 

15. I started school at BYU-Idaho!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot Woot!

14. My mom started the Nurse Practitioner program at WSU.

13. I got to see my younger siblings gain testimonies in things like prayer and faith. 

12. I grew my hair out! SUCH a big deal to me. I want long hair. Like EXTRA long hair. It'll take me another year or so but thanks to prenatal vitamins, I have a good start. 

11. I realized that teaching children is my calling and that Special Education is the perfect fit. 

10. All my clothes from middle school and freshman year? I still fit into those. Take that, girls who never even got hips until senior year. I had mine in 6th grade... 

9. I had fabulous roommates at school who taught me that first impressions aren't always accurate. 

8. Julianne Fullmer and Kileigh Martin became some of my dearest and nearest friends. Honestly, I wasn't even sure I knew how to be a friend before them...

7. Thanks to facebook stalking everyone in my entire graduating class, I noticed I was one of the few people who didn't gain a single pound- not even the freshman 15. 

6. I worked super de dooper hard in school and was able to keep my scholarship for next year. Free college rocks! Can I get an Amen?

5. I learned that it's okay to miss my family because that means I have good relationships with them. 

4. Brooke Porter got to pass on to a pain-free, peaceful life. 

3. I learned how to make beautiful hair flowers for about a dollar, instead of like 15. 

2. My mom and grandma remained cancer-free. 

1. I grew to really love myself and be grateful for my many talents. 

FACT- This year will be even awesome-er. 

Tip- To make hair flowers- Buy the ugly kinds at the dollar store and take them apart. Glue the petals back together how you want them and use old fashioned, glitzy buttons for the center. Then, just hot glue a plan metal clip to the back with a piece of ribbon holding the top part in place and the walah! (wow, never tried to spell that word before...) there's your flower. I have about a million of them. Now if only floppy hats would come back into style...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Eternal Perspective

Brooke Porter single handedly taught me how to make a friend, how to be a friend and how to forget the difference between a blessing and a trial. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lather...Rinse... Repeat!

So here's my problem. Ya um lather, rinse, repeat? I tend to do that with everything. Let me explain. 

One time Julianne and I thought it would be a good idea to make a batch of cookie dough and eat it ALL RAW while watching a movie. We got way sick and decided quickly it was one of the worst ideas we had ever had. Well guess what? I did that again, last week. Only this time Julianne wasn't there and I ate most of the batch all by myself. It wasn't so much lather rinse repeat as eat, barf, repeat. 

This other one time when I was 15, I decided to dye my hair red. Since it was really dark brown at the time, when I tried to turn it red it just went purple. Like really, really purple. And apparently I forgot about this event because I just did it again. My hair is now purple. Dye, Cry, Repeat. 

And now I'm following shampoo directions again, only with voldemorts (is that how you even spell it? I'm not a Harry Potter fan so I wouldn't know... All I know is the 'he who shall not be named' part, and in this case, they who shall not be named, are boys). Don't I ever learn? This particular voldemort, I've already been "acquainted" with. Things didn't end well. Too bad that doesn't matter because he knows he's just a joke and a smile away from making me date, break and repeat. 

Tip #6? or something? I'm going to stop numbering them because I can't remember which number I'm on. Use sharpies to paint your nails instead of finger nail polish. Just paint a clear coat over it and it'll stay for a supa long time.