Saturday, November 20, 2010

Clean Slate.

As of this week I am:

Rededicating myself to my marathon training. No more missing runs. No more stopping to pretend to tie my shoelace when I'm tired.

Starting completely at ground zero in terms of members of the opposite sex. The old ones are old news. That's okay though! So many fish, so little time.

Reading the following books for fun:
The Screwtape Letters
The Hunger Games
How to Win Friends and Influence People

Cleaning my whole apartment-- mom style. You know what that means don't you? My mom used to call it creative cleaning. I find places for everything... just maybe not where you would expect.

On a side note, look what I can do!


  1. "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."

  2. What, you violin, guitar and beautiful voice are not enough instruments for you? Stephen Covey says something about getting back on track in one of his books. It went something like this, Successful people are not always on track they just get back on more often than those who are not successful.

  3. Dad wants to know if this is what we sent you to college for?
