Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This my dears, is the Racktrap. It's made from hypoallergenic materials, fits snugly inside your bra, and can safely stash your money, license, and debit cards close to your heart. Oh, and the good news doesn't stop there! The Racktrap comes in white lace, black lace, nude lace, and a water-resistant version meant to go under your sports bra. It dares you to find a bra it can't conceal itself in! Because it just doesn't seem fair that men get to stash their cash so close to their bums while we women have no wallet of our own to keep in very private places.

Also found in my random google escapade:

Mantyhose. Mirdles. Manx. (a.k.a. nastiness)


  1. I love how the men modeling those would have absolutely no use for them.

  2. The girls that model them usually don't either ha false advertising...
