Monday, November 1, 2010

Need not apply.

In case you haven't noticed, I live my life in lists.

I have a list about what I need to do today.
I have a list about what I need to do tomorrow.
I have a list about what I need to do this weekend.
I even have a list about what I need to do this month.

You get the idea.

I blame this obsession on Young Women's. It seems like every sunday we made at least two lists. One was for the things we needed to do learn in order to be a good mom (i.e. establish good habits, learn to cook, learn to sew) and the other one was for listing the qualities we needed to be looking for in a potential mate (i.e. tall, dark and handsome).

After making these lists for about 4 years straight, I decided to grow up a little bit and get specific. Of course I cared whether or not my future husband would have a testimony and loved kids and would listen to me and would be able to provide for our family and would have nice biceps blah blah blah.

But then I thought, what else? Plenty of guys fit that description. I needed to be more specific.

So then I thought of this.

My future husband MUST be able to carry me down a flight of stairs when I'm 9 months pregnant, I'm in labor and the house is on fire.

Yep. That's my weeding out requirement.

I am fully willing to do a test run.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know- The List Making is a genetic thing. I am guilty. Your Mom is guilty. Grandma A (not Bunnie) is guilty. I say guilty like its a bad thing. But it isn't. Lists are great things.
