Saturday, October 16, 2010

1/3 down. pat?

This morning's long run was 9 miles. That's just over 1/3 of a marathon (26.2 miles). Julianne drove me out to the boonies at 7 am and dropped me off to meet my fate. I did well. In fact, I did really well. Just shy of 9 minute miles the whole way. I did my ceremonial parking lot dance (which, on principle, cannot stop even if there are viewers) and jived all the way up the stairs to my apartment.

I tend to have jell-o legs after any run over 6 miles. I don't know why I bother to dance after because I'm so exhausted. I wouldn't even call it a dance. It's more of a swagger/ bouncy walk with awkward fist pumps and random head bobs.

I guess I do it because it makes me feel like I won something.

Taken after sacrificing my body....


  1. I am gonna run a marathon too. Oh and by marathon I mean I am gonna just do workout videos in my living room, and maybe the wii fit too.

  2. Ha my living room is too tiny to do that stuff... and I feel real dumb at the gym trying to follow Daphne doing modified pilates...

  3. haha, I wish I wasn't confined to my living room but Boston is too scary to run/bike alone and the gym's here are so expensive and filled with tons of guidos(sp?) So...I guess Shape Bikini Boot Camp will have to do.

  4. I am proud of you- jello legs and all. I have jello arms after I do 30day shred- then I try to work and it is hilarious what I type :)
