Thursday, October 28, 2010

When you think you know what you don't really know.

We all know those songs where we think the artist is singing something.... but then we look up the lyrics and they're not really singing what we think they are singing.... but we still sing it our way because it's probably better anyways...

For example.

That song Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows. Someone should tell them that when they say "parking lot", it actually sounds like they are saying "******* lot".

Annunciate please!!!

On a happier note, I played a few of the songs i've written in front of another human being for the very first time last night. That's a ginormous/huge/massive/astronomical step for moi. For those of you who don't know, I play the guitar. And the violin. And the harmonica.

Confession: I pull odd faces when I sing. So, sometimes when I'm home alone, I turn my webcam on and look at myself while I sing to practice NOT looking like I have just eaten a lemon or have been told that my dog that i've had since childhood, just died.

1 comment:

  1. I wish people would enunciate their words- especially my second son. He has a bad habit of mumbling- drives me crazy
