For example.
That song Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows. Someone should tell them that when they say "parking lot", it actually sounds like they are saying "******* lot".
Annunciate please!!!
On a happier note, I played a few of the songs i've written in front of another human being for the very first time last night. That's a ginormous/huge/massive/astronomical step for moi. For those of you who don't know, I play the guitar. And the violin. And the harmonica.
Confession: I pull odd faces when I sing. So, sometimes when I'm home alone, I turn my webcam on and look at myself while I sing to practice NOT looking like I have just eaten a lemon or have been told that my dog that i've had since childhood, just died.
I wish people would enunciate their words- especially my second son. He has a bad habit of mumbling- drives me crazy